Patient Claims Bihar Hospital Mishandling COVID Situation; Video Goes Viral

While the nation is reeling through the COVID-19 health crisis, some instances have popped up that have exposed the mishandling of COVID-19 situation. Recently, in one such instance, a video became viral which showed the plight of healthcare system in the Darbhanga Medical College (DMCH) in Bihar. The viral video claimed that the dead bodies of COVID-19 victim were kept in the same ward where the corona patients were being admitted. Notably, the video was shot by a police staff named Ajit Sharma who himself was admitted there. Sharma said that daily 7-8 COVID patients die in the ward and the medicos, including doctors, nurses and ward boys, present there do not work sincerely. "On the pretext of treatment, patients are being given only Pantop D injections," he stated. Meanwhile, on the condition of anonymity, a doctor of the DMCH said that the hospital has only 120 beds and 7 ICU facilities for COVID patients. The doctor added that the authorities had told to increase the number of ICU beds to 16 by April 26 but, till now, nothing has been done in this regard. Besides, unavailability of medicines has become another big problem.

मंगल, 27 अप्रैल 2021 - 12:58 PM / by Shruti

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