Representational photo: Menstrual pain.

Photo: Womanlog

What Causes Menstrual Pain? How To Avoid It? Explains Gynecologist

Menstruation is considered different for every woman, and Gynecologist Dr Aruna Kalra says several internal factors can cause period pain. She said pain develops majorly due to muscle contractions in the uterus. Moreover, the contractions are mainly caused by bloating of the uterine wall due to complications like endometriosis, adenomyosis, cervical stenosis, and even infection. Kalra advises using heating pads, yoga, walking and reducing… read-more

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 - 04:53 PM / by Harsh Vardhan

Tags: Gynaecologist, Aruna Kalra, Menstruation, Period Pain

Courtesy: The Indian Express