Health workers attending people in Swasth Himalaya Camp

Photo: Milaap

Uttarakhand: 28-year-old Doctor Begins Drive To Offer Free Medical Services

What could be called as an inspirational move, a 28-year-old medical student from Uttarakhand has initiated a programme that offers pro bono medical services to people through health camps. Government Medical Students' Association, Uttarakhand (GMSA-UK), a voluntary organisation founded by Dr Ashu Aswathi, has started a campaign - ‘Swasth Himalayan Abhiyan’ - in the Gauchar region of Pithoragarh district. Under the campaign, the GMSA-UK has been conducting regular medical camps in the villages including the likes of Munsyari, Askote, Devalthal and Bhagichura. They have expanded their services to other regions of the state as well, with successfully conducting at least 10 free health camps in just 5 months. Moreover, they also organised a medical camp for SSB staff at the Indo-Tibet border. The organisation consists doctors and medical students and has been funded by over 8,000 medicos across the nation. Notably, around 1,000 people, including pregnant woman, children and the elderly, have been treated and have received free medicines under the campaign until now.

रवि, 03 जनवरी 2021 - 11:01 AM / by Mahadevan K V

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