Donald Trump

Photo: The Pan Atlantic Journal

US Judge: Trump 'Exceeded' his Authority in the Visa Ban

The United States federal judge, Jeffrey White, has blocked President Donald Trump’s order on H-1B visa ban. Judge White stated that the president ‘exceeded’ his authority and observed that US Congress's delegation of authority did not mean that the President could take unconstrained decision on the immigration policy. Earlier, in June, Trump, with a view to protect jobs of Americans, had banned H-1B and… read-more

Fri, 02 Oct 2020 - 04:55 PM / by Mahadevan K V

Tags: US, Trump, H1-B VISA, US Congress

Courtesy: The Hindu

Donald Trump

Photo: Flickr

US President Relaxes H1-B Visa Restrictions; Good News for Techies

US President Donald Trump on August 12, relaxed restrictions given for H1-B visa holders to enter the US if they are coming to the same job they had before the ban, allowing dependents can travel along. The relaxation includes senior-level managers, technical specialists, healthcare professionals, requested by the US government agency supporting US foreign policy.

Thu, 13 Aug 2020 - 02:47 PM / by D. RamaKrishnan

Tags: H1-B VISA, US President, Donald Trump

Courtesy: Times Now News