Farmer burning crop-residue on his field


IARI Develops 'Decomposer Capsules' To Eliminate Stubble Burning

Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Pusa has developed 'Pusa Decomposer', a cost-effective solution to prevent stubble burning. The capsule, which contains eight microbes, will reduce the time taken by paddy stubble to decompose. Scientists claim that the decomposer will also make the land fertile and eventually reduce the farmers' dependency on fertilizers. Reportedly, a four-capsule pouch that will cost Rs 20 is suffice for 2.5 acres of… read-more

Tue, 29 Sep 2020 - 01:47 PM / by Nitesh Kumar Singh

Tags: IARI, Agriculture, Indian Farmers, Delhi-NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Stubble Burning, Air Pollution

Courtesy: India Today