IIT-Jodhpur Main Block

Photo: IIT Jodhpur

IIT-Jodhpur Reports 14 COVID Cases In Single Day; Active Cases Reach 61

As the entire country is witnessing a fresh surge in COVID-19 cases, educational institutions are not immune from the pandemic. In a recent addition to that, about 14 more students have contracted coronavirus in IIT-Jodhpur on April 3. Jodhpur Deputy CMHO Dr Pritam Singh told Brifly News that with the new COVID-19 cases the active cases count for the institute has now reached to 61. Dr Singh stated that by creating a micro containment zone at institution’s G-Block, to isolate the infected students and faculty, the department is trying to test maximum people to break the chain by identification and isolation of infected ones. Being a sensitive zone, the IIT-Jodhpur administration and Health Department are adopting various measures to break the infection chain as the institution has reported a total of 71 cases from March 11 to April 3. Some seven to ten cases are being reported every day at IIT-Jodhpur, added Dr Pritam. Notably, according to Rajasthan’s Health Department, the state has reported 1,675 COVID-19 positive cases on April 3, 2021, highest this year. 

रवि, 04 अप्रैल 2021 - 08:13 PM / by Samanth Lanka

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